Monday, January 30, 2012



1. Choose the incorrect statement among these
    1. In rat flea male population increases when temperature increases
   *2. Aromatse enzyme in turtles is  released  by the increase of temperature
    3. Male  Agama population  increase when the temperature increases
    4. Male turtles  increase in number  when the temperature increases.
2.  Assertion: Daphnia can easily float in the water during winter
   Reasoning:Anomalous  property of water  helpful  to the Daphnia to
                     float  during  winter.
         *1. Both A and R are correct . R is the correct explantion to A
           2. Both A and R are correct. R is not correct explantion  to A
           3. A is correct R is wrong    4. A is wrong and R is correct
3.  Euryhaline  Organism  which migrate  from fresh water to marine water
     1. Hilsa  * 2. Anguilla   3. Protopterus    4. Salmon
4.  Choose the correct statements about  Salmon fish
      I.  It migrate from hypotonic medium to hypertonic medium .
     II.  It drinks freshwater at migratory place to maintain isotonic medium.
   III. Chloride cells  can be changed  into secretory at hypotonic medium .
    IV. It Exhibit glomerular kidney.
   1. All except IV   2. All except II, IV  * 3. All except I, III   4. All
5.  Match the following
Terrestrial adaptation
1. Thorny devil
A. Water from food
2. Wood rat
B.  Nocturnal habitat
3. Fossorial animals
C. Hygroscopic system
4. Arachnida
D. Guanine
   1.  1 – C   2 – B  3 – D  4 – A          *2.    1 – C   2 – A  3 – B   4 – D
   3.   1 – D   2 – A  3 – B  4 – C           4.    1 – C    2 – A   3 – D  4 – C

6.  Saprotrophs  perform
    1. Formation of  particulate detritus   2. Formation of humus
    3. Absorption of  substances through general body surface of dead organisms
    * 4. All   the above
7.  Match the following
Types of species
1. Dominant species
A.Pine trees  of taiga
2. Keystone species
B. Insects
3. Link species
C. Fig trees of tropical forests
4. Critical link species
D. Mycorrhizal species
     1.  1 – C   2 – B  3 – D  4 – A          2.    1 – D  2 – A  3 – B   4 – C
     *3.   1 – A   2 – C  3 – D  4 – B           4.    1 – C    2 – A   3 – D  4 – B
8.  Animals at Ecotone includes
    1. Two populations of same connectivity  2. Two individuals of same population
   * 3.  Two populations  of different communities 
    4. Two critical link species of same community
9.  The plant Spirodela polyrhiza  cannot be seen in  this ecosystem
      1. Ecosystem with pines   2. Ecosystem with fig trees
  *   3. Ecosystem with Lemna gibba   4. Ecosystem with Mycorrhizal species
10.  If a defense less organism developed defense organs by mimicry, it is called
       1. Batesian and Mullerian mimicry     2. Only Batesian mimicry
       *3. Only Mullerian mimicry    4. Camouflage   
11.  Pioneer community in Xerosere  is
      *  1. Lichens    2. Moss stage     3. Shrub stage      4.  Forest stage
12.  Arrange the stages of Hydrosere  in sequence from  Climate community to Pioneer
       Community .
      A. Floating stage    B. wood land stage   C. Reed – swamp stage   D. Submerged stage
      E. Marsh stage
      1. BECAD   * 2. DACEB    3.  ACEDB     4. EACBD
13.   The branching link  which  one prey  is  predated by more than one type of predator
      1. Iota link    2. Lambda link    3. Gamma link    4. Beta link

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