Monday, January 30, 2012




­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ______________________________________srikanth__________
1.  A crustacian host  accommodate for a crusatacian  parasite
       1. rock barnacle      2. root headed  barnacle            3. crab                4. sacculina
2.  Animals who are mutually dependent on each other metabolically
       1. white ant with termite                           2. green hydra with green algae 
       3. flagellate protist with trichomonas   4. trichomonas with termite.
        3.   Choose the incorrect statement among these
       1. A commensal is always  smaller than  its host.
       2. A host is always larger than its endo parasite.
       3. Symbionts should be always in equal size.
       4. A facultative commensal can live without host.
4.   Animal lives in the gastropod shells.
    1. Hydractinia       2. pagurus       3. Escherichia          4. Leishmania.
5. Polyembronic larval form among these
  1. Miracidium      2. sprorocyst    3. metacercaria         4. all the above
6. The host which the parasite do not go for any development
   1. Vector          2. Paratenic host   3. Definite host       4. intermediate host
7. Fasiola hepatica  cause hyper placia in
   1. Sheep          2. snail                 3. liver of human being    4. pig
8. The obligate parasite which can live without this host
   1. Definite host   2. Reservoir host  3. vector   4. none
9. Parasite causing gigantism is in its
   1. Definite host   2. Reservoir host    3. intermediate host    4. paratenic host
10. The  host of hyperparasite  is  with
   1.  unicellular  nature    2. multicelluar nature     3. tissue grade   4. organ system grade 
11. Endosome of cartwheel nucleus  is
    1. nucleus     2. nucleolus     3. chromatin material   4. magna form
12. Chromatoid bodies   are
    1. spherical     2. rod shaped    3. oval   4. none.
13. Extra intestinal amoebiasis  effects
    1.wall of large intestine   2. lumen of large intestine      3. liver    4. small intestine    
14. Life cycle of plasmodium in mosquito  described by
    1. Ross          2.  Golgi           3. Grassi             4. Laveran   
15. Secretions of secretory organelles in sporozoite  comes out through
    1. contractile microtubules   2. apical cup    3. mouth    4. pellicle.
16. In golgi cycle  the early trophozoite contains its center
    1. nucleus    2. nucleolus   3. vacuoles    4. haemozoin granules.
17. The diploid stage of plasmodium in intermediate host  is
    1. Oocyst    2. Oocyte    3. sporozoite     4. none of the above.
18. The stages of plasmodium which can survive in both definite and intermediate host
    1. Sporozoite  and gametocytes        2. sporozoites  and Oocyst
    3.  Gametes  and Gametocytes          4.  cryptozoites  and cryptomerozoites,.
19.  The stage of taenia solium which can survive only in definite host
    1. Adult  tape worm    2. cysticercus larva    3. Hexacanth    4. none
20. If 10 microgametocytes and 10 macrogametocytes are entered in the stomach of mosquito no of
      microgametes  and macrogametes left  after the formation  of 10  zygotes
   1. 70  &  70                2. 80 &  0      3.   140  &  0     4.  70 & 0
21. Tegument forming cells  of taenia are the part of
   1. parenchyma    2. mesenchyma     3.   tegument      4. basement membrane.
      22. Assertion: Complete enlargement of uterus  in  proglittid   can be possible after the degeneration of
               male  and female reproductive system only.
           Reasoning :   Tapeworms   are acoelomate   animals.
23. Ootype opens into
   1. vitelline gland     2. vagina    3. uterus    4. oviducts.
24. Hexacanth  is derived from this embryonic cell.
    1. Macro mere    2. mesomere    3. micromere    4. all the above.
25. By the trimming of nails   and washing hands properly we can avoid this diseases.
     1. Amoebic dysentry   -     taeniasis   -   cysticercosis
     2. Amoebic dysentery  -  Benign tertian  -  cysticercosis
     3. Amoebiasis    -     wuchareriasis     -  taeniasis
    4.  Amoebiasis  - amoebic dysentery   -  cysticercosis.
26. Nerve ring  of microfilaria  surrounds
   1. oesophagus      2. pharynx       3. buccal cavity   4. innercell mass.
27. Infective stage of taenia to  human being which cause cysticercosis
    1. cysticercus    2. onchosphere    3. hexacanth   4. adult tapeworm
28. Second moulting in microfilaria  results
    1. first stage microfilaria  larva      2. second stage microfilaria larva
    3. third stage microfilaria larva     4.  adult wuchareria
29. Cells in the oedomatous tissue  which cause fibrosis
    1. fibrocytes    2. fibroblasts    3. lymphocytes   4. 1 & 2
30.  vertebrate  which eats invertebrate larvas
    1. Pig     2. culex     3. Gambusia    4. pyrethrum
31. Self   fertilization of mature proglottid  is possible by the presence of
    1. Ootype    2. uterus     3.  seminal receptacle   4. protandry condition.
32.   Match  the following
1. Hypnozoites
a.Benign tertian malaria
2. Onchosphere
b.Relapse of malaria
3. Merozoites
c. Sterility
4. Sacculina
d. cysticercosis
 e. taeniasis
   1.  1 – b  2 – d  3 – a    4 – c            2.  1 – a   2 – d   3 – b    4 – c
   3.  1 – e  2 – d  3 – a    4 – c            4.  1 – c   2 -  d   3 – a   4 -  b.
33. One of these  not transmitting by inoculation
    1.  Leishmania     2. Trypanosoma    3. Taenia    4. Plasmodium
34. One of these is not  a coelozoic parasite
   1. Taenia     2. Ancylostoma    3. Entamoeba    4. Trichomonas
35. Reduction division of plasmodium  occur at
   1. Liver of human being                                       2.  lumen of stomach of mosquito
   3. wall of mosquito                                              4. blood of human being
36. Adult  form in  vertebrate host  and  larval forms in invertebrate hosts  in
   1. Taenia             2. Wuchareria       3. plasmodium    4. Entamoeba.
37. Parasite transmit through  paratenic host among these
   1. Entamoeba     2. plasmodium   3. Taenia    4. Leishmania
38. Sticky lubricant substance released is  from
    1. Ootype          2. Mehl’s gland    3. cirrus     4. vitelline gland .
39. Ribonucleo protein bodies of Entamoeba  are
    1. peripheral beads     2. Chromatoid bodies    3. food vacuoles    4. pseudopodia.
40. To complete  sexual phase , plasmodium require
     1. High homeothermic temperature        2. Low  poikilothermic temperature.
    3. High poikilothermic temperature         4.  Low homeothermic   temperature.      

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