Friday, May 27, 2011



SRI CHAITANYA JUNIOR COLLEGE – DSNR               srikanth
                       EAMCET – ARTHROPODA
1. First animals in terrestrial environment ______________
2. Strcture of arthropod which maintain the shape of the body _______________
3. Rapid movement  of arthropods possible with the  help of ______________
4. First appeared character of arthropods  in the animalkingdom
    1. jointed legs    2. striated muscles     3. exoskeleton     4. appendages
5. Assertion :  Blood  of cockroach is called haemolymph
    Reasoning :  Open type of  circulatory system present in the cockroach
6. Reason for the success of cockroach
       1. metamerism   2. tagmatisation   3. chitinous exoskeleton   4. all the above
7.  One of these is not tagmata
       1. head   2. wings    3. thorax    4. abdomen
8.  Assertion : Cckroach is unisexual
      Reasoning : Cockroach exhibit sexual dimorphism.
9.   Assertion :  Cockroach exhibit heteronomous type of metamerism
      Reasoning : In cockroach segments are modified in to different regions of the body.
10. Choose the correct statement  among these
       1. Body  of cockroach is covered by impervious hard epicuticle.
       2. Waxy epicuticle  prevent the loss of water from body.
       3. Body is covered by an impervious hard chitinous exocuticle and waxy epicuticle.
        4. Hard cuticle with waxy cover is an adaptation  for terrestrial  mode of life.
      1.  1,2 only   2 . 3,4 only     3. 1,2,3 only          4. 2,3,4 only
11. Total no. of genera  and species of cockroach  in India respectively
        1. 2  & 4 only    2. 4 & 4     3. 2600       4. 3 & 4
12.   Species of Blatta found commonly in India 
         1. germanica    2. australiasae   3. orientalis    4. Americana
13.   germanica belongs to the genera
             1. Blatta         2. Blattella    3. Periplaneta         4. None
14.  Common & uncommon species  of  Blatta  in India respectively
         1. Blatta & Blattella    2. Blatta & Blatta   3. germanica &  orientalis  4. orientalis & australiasae 
15.  Adult cockroach do  not contain
             1. archecerebrum     2. telson    3. 11th segment      4. all the above.
16. One of these is not modified epidermal cells
      1 corneogen cells  2.  vitrillae    3. retinulae  4. cells of basement membrane
17. The image formed by the juxtaposition  of small discrete images is called
      1. apposition image which ommatidia contain only iris sheath  retinular sheath absent
18. Assertion:  In cockroach tracheoles are filled with tracheolar fluid.
      Reasoning: cockroach blood  is without respiratory pigment.
      1. Both A and R are correct . R is the correct explantion to A
       2. Both A and R are correct. R is not correct explantion  to A
       3. A is correct R is wrong    4. A is wrong and R is correct .
19.  Choose the incorrect statement among these
         1. Intima of tracheoles is very thin consists of only epicuticle which  retained in moulting.
         2. Intima of tracheoles is thrown into many taenidial ridges.
         3. cockroach, grosshopper , beetles exhibit discontinuous ventilation
4. Opening and closing of spiracles is influenced by co2 tension in trachea  and O2 tension in      haemolymph.
20.  Contraction of ventral longitudinal muscles and  relaxation  of  dorsoventral muscles facilates
        1.  opening of thoracic spiracles and closing of abdominal spiracles
        2.   Closing of  abdominal spiracles  and opening  of prothoracic spiracle
        3. Inspiration process  by    a slight decrease of  volume of body cavity at  ventral side  and   
              Increase of volume body cavity                           4. 1 & 3                        

21.  In cockroach malphigian  tubules are present at the junction of
           1. foregut and hind gut                  2. proctodaeum and stomodae
            3. midgut and hind gut                 4. colon and rectum
22.       Receptors in cockroach for taste and smell
       1. Antennae , maxillary palp ,labial palp  2. Maxillary palp , labial palp, labrum
       3. maxillary palp , labial palp                    4. Pedicel of antennae, labal palp.
23.       Match the following structures of periplaneta Americana and choose the correct one
List – I
List – II
1. Anal cerci
a.  ventral surface of 10th tergum
2. Anus
b.  Arises between 9th and 10th terga
3. Anal styles
c.  Arises between 9th and 10th sterna
4. Gynovalvular plates
d. Attached to 9th sternum

e. Formed by 7th sternum
      1. 1- b 2-c 3 -d 4 -e       2. 1- a2- b3- c4- d        3. 1- c 2 -b 3-d 4-e       4. 1-d 2-c 3-b 4
24. Mesenteron of cockroach derived from
       1. ectoderm and endoderm   2.ectoderm only  3. endoderm and mesoderm   4. endoderm only.
25.   Arrange the given materials of arthroidal membrane from external to internal
      a. cement   b. lipoprotein  c. dermis  d. wax    e.chitin  f. sclerotin
      1. dbcef        2. adbce    3. bdaecf   4 bdaec
26.   Fertilization of cockroach in
       1. oothecal chamber    2. Gynatrium  3.Gonapophysis   4.phallomeres
27.   Tracheoles  origin  and ending point in the tissues respectively
         1. intra cellular and extracelluar   2. intracellular and intracellular  3. extracellular and extracellular 4. none
28. Either side of frons and clypeus at dorsal side of head
        1. frons  2. maxillary palp  3. genae  4. clypeus
29.   Structures present on either side of vertex
         1. genae     2. compound eyes     3. mandibles     4. maxillae
30.   Undigested and excretory materials  in cockroach  combined at
        1.midgut     2. colon  3. ileum  4. crop
31.   Stink glands of cockroach formed by the invagination of
         1. epicuticle   2. epidermis   3. endoderm   4. endocuticle
32.   Number of sclerites  present in the cervicum of cockroach
         1. 3 pairs    2. 4    3. 4 pairs    4.  6
33.   Inner layer of trachea is
        1. endo cuticle   2. epicuticle   3. epidermis   4. chitin/protein layer
34.  Abdominal segments without nerve ganglia  ,but with spiracles are
        1. 6th  and 8th  2. 5th  and 9th   3. 5th  and 8th   4.  9th  and 10th
35.  Total number of segments in cockroach contain nervecord in adult stage
        1.   10                       2.    9                 3.    11                4.    6
36.  One of these belongs to 9th sterna
        1. Gonapophyses   2. phallomeres   3. hook  4. serrate lobe.
37. Choose the incorrect statement among the following
         i.. Tenth abodominal segment  has no sternum
         ii. Paraprocts are a pair of triangular , plate like strucutures   present at dorsal side.   
         iii. Anus lies  between the paraprocts.
          iv. Gonapophyses are made up of sclerotin plates.
          1. i only   2. ii only     3. ii, iv only  4. iv only
38.   Match the following  
i.    femur
a.Broad highly muscular
ii.  tibia
b.long and thin
iii. tarsus
c. strongest of all
iv. coxa
d. segmented podomere
         1. i-a ii-b iii-c iv-d  2. i-c ii-b iii-a  iv-d   3. i-c ii-b iii-d iv-a    4. i-c ii-d iii-a iv-b 
39.  The part of  alimentary canal which is  lined by endodermal cells do not secrete.
        1. invertase    2. maltase  3. amylase   4. lipase
40.  Assertion:  cockroach  respiration is discontinuous ventilation.
       Reasoning: Opening and closing of spiracles is influenced by C0 tension in tracheolar fluid and  oxygen  Tension  in trachea.
         1 1. Both A and R are correct . R is the correct explantion to A
         2. Both A and R are correct. R is not correct explantion  to A
         3. A is correct R is wrong    4. A is wrong and R is correct .
41. Pre ganglionic nerve fibre of hypocerebral ganglion is 
       1.  frontal nerve    2. oesophageal nerve   3. recurrent nerve   4. none of the above.

42. Opening of abdominal spiracles                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
      1. presence of low co in haemolymph              2. presence of high co in haemolymph
      2. presence of high o  in haemolymph              4. presence oflow o in trachea.
43. No. of podomeres in cockroach is equal to
       1. No. of appendages in thorax                        2. no. of segments in labial palp
       3. No. of segments in maxillary palp               4. no. of segments in thorax
44.  Read the following and choose the correct statement.
List – I
List – II
List – III
1. Anal cerci
9/10th sterna
2. Anal style
9th terga
Secondary sexual character
3. stink gland
5th & 6th sterna
4. Male genital pore
9th sterna
45.  Choose the incorrect statement among these
      1. 5 pairs of appendages are present in the thorax
     2. To prevent the collapse of tracheoles a ring like structure trachein present.
     3. 8th segment of abdomen with spiracles and without nervecord and nerve ganglia
     4. Antennae are both chordotonal and olfactory.
45. Tracheal tubes arised from the abdominal spiracles of cockroach  connected to
      1. 6 longitudinal trunks and total connections – 24
      2. 3 connections  and 24 longitudinal  tracheal trunks
      3. 6 longitudinal trunks  and total connections -  48.
      4. 6 longitudinal trunks and total connections – 3.
46.  If concentration of Carbon di oxide  increases  in the  haemolymph
        1. Contraction of dorsoventral  muscle occurs which leads to  decrease of volume of body cavity
        2.  Relaxation of ventral longitudingal muscles occurs which leads to telescoped segments are relaxed
        3. Opening of abdominal spiracles occurs   4.  all the above
47.  Circumoesophageal nerveconnective  attached to this part of sensory and endocrine center
         1.  the part which gives mandibular nerve    2. the part which receives nerves from compound eye
         3. the part  which communicates with stomatogastric nervous system  4. Deutocerebrum.
48.  No. of  lenticularcells,  vitrillae ,  retinulae  in ommatidium of cockroach  respectively
         1. 8000, 16000, 28000     2.  4000, 8000, 14000   3. 2, 4, 7    4. 2000. 4000, 7000
49.  Choose the correct statement among these
        1. Trachea donot participate in moulting process
        2.  Tracheoles participate in moulting
       3.  Tracheoles are with tracheolar fluid when cockroach is active
        4.  Carbon di oxide transported  through tracheloes, trachea   followed by abdominal spiracles.
50.  Choose the incorrect statement among these
         1. Epicuticle is non chitinous layer                    2. Exocuticle is pigmented layer
         3.  Endocuticle is non scleritised layer               4. Bodywall is muscular with striped muscles.

51.  Anterior and posterior invaginations of meso and metathorax called
         1. Apodemes          2. apophysis              3.  tentorium     4. all the above.
52.  Match the following  
1. Photo receptors
Ventro lateral sides of head
2. mechanoreceptors
Sensitive to the movement of flagellum
3. chaemoreceptors
Sensitive to smell
4. thermoreceptors
1, 2, 3rd segments of tibia  
Sensitive to temperature
        1. 1, 2 only           2. 2, 3 only          3. 3,4 only           4. except I all are false
53.  Refractive region of ommatidium
         *1. Cornea         2. crystalline cone           3. retinular sheath           4. irish sheath
54.  Vitrillae are surrounded by
        * 1. primary pigment cells          2. secondary pigment cells      3. semper cells    4.  retinular cells
55.  Choose the incorrect statement among these
       1.  After  the secretion of cornea lenticularcells with drawn to the sides ommatidium  to
           form the primary pigment cells.
        2. Receptor region is surrounded by light absorbing  seven secondary pigment cells .
       *3. Dioptrical region includes cornea and crystalline cone  which form image .
       4. A rhabdomere formed by  microvilli of one retinular cell and a rhabdome is formed by the fusion   of  Seven rhabdomeres.
56.Asserton:  In apposition image only light rays entering the cornea of ommatidium converge on the   rhabdome.
Reasoning :  Secondary pigment cells surround the vitrillae, primarypigment cells surrounds the retinulae.
57.  One of these is not applicable for ocelli.
        1.consists of a   single  corneal facet  2 present in adult insects and larvae of hemimetabolous insects.         3. mainly concerned with light collection    4. . very sensitive to changes  in light intensity  
58.  Subgenual organs of cockroach are
1. mechanoreceptors  2. present in the proximal part of tibia  3. contain units of scolopidia  4. all .
59.   One  of these is not chordotonal organ
         1. sub genual organs    2. tympanal organ   3. Jnonston”s organ  4. proprioceptors
60.   Match the following
1. proprioceptors
units of sensillae      
Precise position of the bodyparts
2. tactile receptors
Units of sensillae
Sensitive to touch
3. subgenual organs
Units of scolopidia
Sub cuticular
Sensitive to ground vibrations
4. tympanal organs
Units of scolopidia
Sensitive to sound vibrations
5. Jhonstan organs
Units of scolopidia
Sensitive to the movement of flagellum
61. Each scolopidium contains
        1. attachment cell , scolopale cell (forms cilium and nerve cell )
        2. trichogen cell, tormogen cell , nerve fibre 3. units of photo receptors            4. all the above
62.  Match the following     
 Ganglion of stomatogastric nervous system
1. Frontal ganglion
Dorsal wall of the pharynx , infront of the brain
2.  Hypocerebral ganglion  or occipital ganglion
Above the oesophagous , behind the brain
3. visceral ganglion or ingluvial ganglion
On the wall of the crop
4. Proventricular ganglion
On the gizzard
63. Preganglionic nervefirbres raised from tritocerebrum  directed connected with
          1. frontal ganglion   2. hypocerebral ganglion   3. visceral ganglion 4. proventricular ganglion
64.  Circumoesophageal nerve connected to the brain at
    1.ending point of  optic nerve2. starting point of  frontal nerve  3. ending point of  labral nerve   4. none
65.  Arrange the passage of  carbondioxide  through intersegmental membrane
         A. tissues   B. haemolymph   C. basementmembrane   D. epidermis   E. endocuticle   F. Epicuticle.




SRI CHAITANYA JUNIOR COLLEGE – DSNR                 srikanth


    1.    Find out the incorrect statements about pheritima
         a. Exonephric closed nephridia are present in all segments except the first two  segments
          b. Exonephric open nephridia are absent in pheritima .
         c. Enteronephric open nephridia  opens into intestine only.
         d. Enteronephric closed nephridia  are 3 pairs in 4,5,6 segments a pair in each segment.
                1. a,b,c only   2. a , b only   3. b,c only  4.                                                                                              
  2.   Assertion: Commissural blood vessel is in both collection and distribution.                                                                                                                                     
        Reasoning:  Commissural blood vessels collects blood from subneural blood vessel and supplies  
                       to dorsal blood vessel.           
           1. Both A and R are correct . R is the correct explantion to A
           2. Both A and R are correct. R is not correct explantion  to A
           3. A is correct R is wrong    4. A is wrong and R is correct .
3  . Read the following and choose the incorrect one with respect to the pheritima
I.   Intestinal caecae 
26th segment
Amylase secretion
II.  Lymph glands
26th to last segment
Phagocyte production
III. Blood glands
6,7,8,9 segments
Blood cell production
IV. Anterior loops
Blood to stomach
          1.I ,II  only    2. I,III only   3. III, IV  only  4. I, II, III only 
4.  One of these structure is absent in  99th segment of pheritima.
       1. Lymph glands   2. commissural blood vessel 3. accessory glands  4. subneural blood vessel.
5.   No. of collecting blood vessels in the segments of pheritima where anterior loops are present.
          1. 2          2. 3         3.  2          4. 4
6.  Arrange the following external pores from anterior end to posterior end
       A. Male genital pores    B. spermathecal openings   C. Anus D. female genital opening
           1. ABCD               2. BCAD       3.  CBAD            4. CDBA
7.   Find out the incorrect statements about pheritima
        a. Exonephric closed nephridia are present in all segments except the first two segments
        b. Exonephric open nephridia are absent in pheritima .
        c. Enteronephric open nephridia  opens into intestine only.
        d. Enteronephric closed nephridia  are 3 pairs in 4,5,6 segments a pair in each segment.
         1. a,b,c only         2. a , b only            3. b,c only            4.  a,d only                                                                                                                                                                                           
8.   Blood vessels of pheritima which supplies blood to alimentary canal.
        1. Dorsal blood vessel only                    2. ventral blood vessel only
        3. Dorsal and ventral blood vessels      4. Lateral and supra oesophageal blood vessels.
9.    A pheritima has  100 body segments. The number of septa with sphictor pores and the number
      without sphictor pores  1. 86 & 4  2.  3 & 87   3. 88 & 12  4. 87 & 3
10.   In pheritima septum that is penetrated by the oviduct is the
          1. last conical septum                  2. first transverse, perforated septum 
          3. last transverse non-perforated septum  4. first transverse, nonperforated septum
11.   In pheretima, common pharygeal nephridial ducts that open into buccal cavity originate in
         1. 2nd segment   2. 4th segment    3. 5th segment   4. 6th segment
12.   No. of types of paired apertures present in the pheritima after clitellar region
                 1. 2            2. 3                 3. 5              4. many
13.   PH of coelomic fluid is
           1. slightly acidic     2. slightly base   3. Neutral  4. strong base
14.    The cells of pheritima  resembles with liver of human being
            1. mucocytes         2. fat bodies        3. yellow cells            4. circular cells
15.   Supply of blood to reproductive organs
         1. dorsal blood vessel 2. supra oesophageal   3. lateral oesophageal  4. ventral blood vessel
16 .  Dorsal blood vessel receives blood from ventral blood vessel  like this
           1. Internal intestinal plexus – external intestinal plexus – dorso intestinal
           2. ventral intestinal – external intestinal plexus – internal intestinal plexus – dorso intestinal
           3. ventro intestinal – internal intestinal plexus – external intestinal plexus – dorso intestinal
  17. Arrange the segments in pheritima contains largest number of nephridia in ascending  order
            1. 14,15,16,17   2. 17,14,15,16  3.17,15,14,16    4. 14,17,15,16
4. septo intestinal – external intestinal plexus – dorso intestinal – external intestinal plexus
18.    ventro tegumentary penetrates the septa of
             1. 4/5       2. 10/11    3. 18/19   4. 9/10
19.     Match the following
1.Flow of blood from anterior to posterior
a. commissural blood vessel
2.Flow of blood from posterior to anterior
b. anterior loops

3. Flow of blood ventral to  dorsal
c. Dorsal blood vessel

4. Flow of blood lateral to dorsal
d. ventral blood vessel

             .1-a 2-b 3-c 4-d       2.1-d 2-c 3-a 4-b     3. 1-c 2-b 3-a 4-d       4. 1-d 2-c 3-b 4-a
20.    Nephrostome and nephridiopore are absent in this nephridia
           1. septal nephridia   2. pharyngeal nephridia   3. integumentary nephridia  4. chloragogen cells
21.   Vermicompost do not contain
           1. Nitrogen   2. potash  3. phosparous  4. proteins
22.    Alimentary canal derived from
           1. mesoderm only  2. mesoderm - endoderm 3. endoderm only 4. ectoderm – mesoderm
23.    Dermis derived from
          1. ectoderm    2. endoderm  3. mesoderm   4. epidermis
24.    Tactile receptors are
          1. Tango receptors   2. chaemorecptors    3. Gustatory receptors   4. olfactory receptors
25.   Assertion: 4d cell form mesoderm in pheritima
       reasoning: Pheritima exhibit determinate type of cleveage. 
26.   External pores present on 14/15 septa
         1. female genital pore, dorsal pore, nephridiopore  2.Nephridio pores only
         3. Dorsal pore, nephridiopore    4. Female genital pore, clitellar opening.
27.  Formation of spermatophores is by the secretions of
         1. accessory glands  2. prostate glands  3. cowper glands 4. septal pouches
28.   Oviducts penetrates this septa
            1. 8th     2. 9th    3. 10th    4. 14th   
29.    chose the correct statement among the following
         i. ventro intestinal receives nutrients from alimentary canal at 30th segment.
         ii. Dorso intestinal collects blood from alimentary canal at 16th segment.
        iii. Commissural blood vessel supplies blood to intestine.
         1. i,ii only 2. ii,iii only  3. iii only   4. i,iii only
30.   Segmental nerve ganglia starts from
          1. 4th segment   2. 5th  segment  3. 6th segment  4. 3rd segment
31.   Totipotent cells in the body wall of pheritima
          1. supporting cells 2. basal cells  3. circular cells 4. glandular cells
32.  The cells with vesicular bulgings found in the coelomc fluid of pheretima are the derivatives of
         1. intersegmental septa                 2. outer coelomic epithelium
         3. basal membrane                        4. inner celomic epithelium
33.    Generic name of the largest earthworm found in India is
            1. Chaetogaster   2. Drawids   3. Megascolides  4. Lumbricus
34.     The part of intestine that increases the area of absorption in pheretima is present in
           1. 15 to 26 segments                                            2. last 23 or 25 segments                                                                                                                        .          3. 27 to last but  23 or 25 segments                    4. 15 to last but 23 or 25 segments.
35.   The septa in pheretima which are complete partitions without openings are situated in these
       segments  1. 4/5 to 13/14  2. 4/5 to 18/19  3. 4/5 to 5/6 4. 4/5 to 14/15
36   . Select the correct combination from the following groups of pheretima  
Group – I
Group – II
Group – III
I) oesophagus
Storing the food
5,6,7 segments
II) Pharynx
Acts as suction pump
Middle of 3rd to 4th segment
III) Gizard
Acts as grinding mill and sieve
8th segment
IV) Stomach
Proteolytic enzymes
9th  to 14th
             1. I and IV             2. II and IV              3. II, III , IV             4. III and IV
37.    All parts of alimentary canal in the first 13 segments of pheretima get blood supply from
            1. ventral blood vessel  2. dorsal blood vessel  3. lateral oesophageal blood vessel  4. subneural

38.    In pheritima nerves to roof of buccal chamber from
           1. Supra oesophageal and sub oesophageal neveganglia  2. supra pharyngeal neve ganglia only
           3. supra pharyngeal and sub pharyngeal       4. supra pharyngeal and circum pharyngeal.
39.   Receptors of pheritima without sensory hairs  for
            1. vision        2.  taste        3. tactile           4. light reception
40.   No. of lateral oesophagal hearts iin pheritima 1. 6 pairs 2. 12 pairs 3. 2 pairs 4. 2

          82. Cells of pheritima that are analogous to the liver cells of vertebrates are
                 1. Having characteristic markings on the surface    2. found in the inner layers of gut wall
                3. Large sized and numerous in coleomic fluid     4. mesodermal in origin       
83.  The  smallest cells in the epidermis of pheritima
          1. Basal cells    2..glandular cells      3. supporting cells    4 . receptorcells
84. Number of perforated septa in Pheretima with 100 – 120 segments are
       1. 96 – 116      2.  86 – 106          3.  95 – 115           4. 9
85.  In pheretima  when setae are anchoring in   that segment
       1.  circular muscles are contracted    2. protractor muscles are  relaxed
       3. retractor muscles  are contracted   4. longitudinal muscles are contracted
86.  Food of pheretima that is subjected to enyzymatic action  for the first time is
       1. carbohydrates   2. fats    3. proteins    4. starch
87.  Intestinal juice of pheretima is comparable to
        1. bile juice of higher vertebrates   2. intestinal juice of higher vertebrates
        3. Gastric juice  of higher vertebrates    4. pancreatic juice of higher vertebrates
88.  Intestinal caeca  in pheretima srise in
        1. 23rd  segment      2. 26th segment    3. 14th segment    4. 15th segment
89.  The enzyme secreted by glandular cells of stmach in pheretima
       1. amylase    2. lipase    3. proteolytic enyme    4. maltase
90.  In pheretima the part  which is internally lined by chitinous cuticle is
        1.  buccal cavity    2.  pharynx    3. gizzard    4. none of these
91.  Study the following  and choose the correct combination
Type of  cell
1. phagocytes
Charasteristric marks on surface
2. chloragogen cells
Yellow granules
3. mucocytes
Secretion of mucus
4.. circular cells
Membranous folds on surface
        1. I, II only         2. II, IV only       3. All except  III        4. II, III only
92. Typhlosole in pheretima is formed from
       1. dorsal endoderm of intestine                             2. ventral endoderm of intestine
       3. dorsal mesoderm  of intestine                           4. ventral mesoderm of intestine
93.  In pheretima  a segment  remains at rest due to
        1. maximum contraction of longitudinal muscles    2. contraction of circular muscles
        3.  contraction protractor muscles                            4. contraction of retractor muscles
94.  Read the following with reference to pheretima
Cells / glands
I. basal cells
Totipotent cells
II. Amoebocytes
Lymph glands
Ingestion of eleocytes
III. Red coloured follicular bodies
Above pharyngeal mass
Synthesis of haemoglobin
IV. mucous secreting cells
Helps in cutaneous respiration
        Correct combination are
         1. Except I and II all are true     2. Except II and III all the above  
         3. Except I and III  all are true   4. except  II and  IV  all are true
95. The part of alimentary canal of pheretima which is internally lined by a layer formed by  collagen ,    gelatinAnd mucopolysaccharides is present in
         1. 8th segment    2. 5 – 8 segment    3. 9th  segment     4. 9 – 14 segment
96.. The circulatory system of  pheretima  includes the  following blood vessels and organs
          A. commissural vessel    B. ventrotegumentary    C. septal nephridia   D. ventral blood vessel
          F. septonephridial blood vessel
       Identify the course of circulation  among these  blood vessels throguht septal nephridia
       1. E, B, A, F, D, C      2. C,A,D,F,B,E     3. E,B,F,D,A,C          4. E,B,F,A,D,C
97.    In pheretima  the following vessel collects the blood from both the pharyngeal nephridia and
        Integumentary nephridia
         1. commissural    23. supra oesophageal   3. ventro tegumentary   4. lateral oesophageal
98.   In pheteritima  the digested food reaches the general circulation through these blood vessel
         1. ventro intestinals   2. dorsointestinals    3. septo intestinal   4. commissural blood vessel
99.  In pheretima  the spermatogonia undergo maturation division in
         1. spermiducal funnels   2. spermathecae 3. seminal vesicles   4. testes
100. In earthworm the archenteron  of gastrula is lined by
         1. megameres    2. micromeres   3. pole cell   4. mesomeres
101.  Assertion:  Inpheretima sperms are released first into the cocoon followed by the
                          Release of eggs
        Reasoning : Earthworms is protrandrous
102. Number of young worms formed as the result of copulation between two pheretima
         1. many     2. eight    3. four    4. two
103.  Arrange the following  in correct  sequence with reference to the development of pheretima
         A. mesomeres   B. mesoderm   C. mesoblast    D. muscle   E. megameres  F. Zygote
           1. FECABD     2. FCEABD    3. FEACBD   4. FECBAD
104.   Identify  the derivatives of  embryonic ectoderm of pheritima
           1. nervous system, 2. excretory organs  and setal sacs
           3. muscles and coleomic epithelia       4. intersegmental septa and their derivatives
          1.   1,2 only    2. 3,4 only    3.  1,2,3  only   4. 2,3,4 ony
105.   Find out mesodermal derivatives from the above options
106. The part of pheritima which cannot be regenerated back again
           1. excretory system    2. reproductive organs    3. setae    4. cuticle
109.  Fertilization in pheritima is __________________--

110. Consider the following statements  aout Pheritima posthuma
         1. First nine intersegmental  septa are without perorations
         II. First ten intergsegmental septa are without septal nephridia
        III. First eleven intersegmental grooves are without dorsal pores
        IV. First twelve segments  are without any representative of female reproductive system.
          Which of the above are true ?
           1. I, II only         2. I,II and III only          3. I,II and IV only          4. All are true
111. Consider the following statements about pharyngeal nephridia of pheritima
           1. First pair of tufts of pharyngeal nephridia occurs on the sides of pharynx and the common ducts arising from
            These tufts  open into pharynx .
         II. Second pair of tufts of pharyngeal nephridia  occurs on the sides of oesophagus and the common ducts arising
               From these tufts open into pharynx
         III. Third pair of tufts of pharyngeal nephridia occurs on the sides of oesophagus and the common ducts
           Arising from these tufts open in to buccal chamber.
    Which of the above are true?
    1. only I and II   3. Only II and III     3. Only I and III   4. All are true
112. In megascolex sperms received from the other earthworm during copulation are stored in
           1. seminal vesicles   2. ampulla of spermatheca        3. testis sac        4. diverticulum of spermatheca
113. Which of the following statements about ventral blood vessel of pheretima is incorrect.
           1. It is the chief distributing blood vesses  in phereitma
          2. It has no connection with the gut in the first 13 segments.
         3. IN the first 13 segments it gives rise to a pair of ventro tegumentary blood vessels   that pierce  the
            Septum and supply blood to body wall of next segment.
           4. Behind the 13th segment it gives off a pair of ventro tegumentary blood vessels and a ventro intestinal
                 Blood vessels in each segment.
114. In a typical nephridium nephridiopore is the opening of
          1. intra cellular ciliated part    2. intercellular glandular part  3. intracellular glandular part   4. intercellular muscular part
115. Blood vessel that act as both collecting and distributring blood vessels in the intestinal region of pheritima
           1. dorsal blood vessel  2. ventral blood vessel  3. commissural bloodvessel         4. both 1 and 3
116.  Arrange the following  in ascending order according the total number of these sgtructures in pheritima
       A. septa   B. Septal nephridia    C. Septal excretory canals   D. supra intestinal excretory canal
         E. Excretory ducts  1. DAECB         2. DACEB          3. EADCB      4. DEACB
117.  Correct path of passage of excretory fluid from septal nephridia to intesting in pheretima is
         A. intestine   B. terminal duct   C. supraintestinal excretory canal  D . septal excretory canal 
         E. Septal nephridia  1. EBCDA    2. EDBCA    3. BEDCA     4. EBDCA
118.  Number of longitudinal blood vessels  that can be seen in a  T. s of pheretima passing through  testes is
         1.  3       2.          4                3. 5              4. 6
119.  In earth worm gastrulation occurs  due to the invagination of
        1. megameres in animal hemisphere                           2. micromeres in animal hemisphere
        3. megameres in vegetal hemisphere                          4. micromeres in vegetal hemisphere
 120.  Arrange the following  parts of pheretima  in the ascending order of number of nephridia present
          In each segment
         A. 13th segment     B. 14th segment   C. 15th segment  D. 16th segment    E. 17th segment  F. Pygidium
        1. FAEBCD     2. AEFBCD          3. AFEBCD                4. AFEBDC
121.  In pheretima blood from prostateglands is collected by
          1. commissural bloodvessels           2. ventro tegumentary bloodvessels
           3. lateral oesophageal blood vessels     4. supra oesophageal bloodvessel
122. Identify the correct sequence of blood flow in pheretima
          A. external intestinal plexus    B. dorso intestinals   C. internal intsestinal plexus   D. Ventro intestinals
          E. Dorsal blood vessel   F. ventral blood vessel
          1. FDCABE    2. FDACBE           3. FDABCE        L4. FDABCE
123.  Assertion :   Typical nephridia  are open nephridia
         Reasoning : They open out by a nephridiopore
124.  In pheritima the no. of segments  with only integumentary nephridia
         1.   12 segments       2. 9 segments           3. 14 segments      4. 11 segments
125.  After one mating , number of cocoons produced by each earthworm, number of zygotes formed  in each cocoon and 
   Number  of earthworms  that develop in one cocoon  are respectively 
           1. one , many, one    2. many, many, one    3. many,  one , one        4. one, one, one
126.  In pheretima nutrient rich blood passes through
           1. Dorso intestinal blood vessels    2. ventro intestinal  blood vessels 
          3. septo intestinal blood vessels        4. commissural blood vessels
127.  Uni cellular receptors are provided with 
          1. deep seated nucleus and sensory hair    2. pheosome and sensory hair
          3. vitelline membrane                   4. network of nerve fibrillae
128.  What is the correct sequence of formation of the following during the  development  of pheritima
          A. mesoderm   B. Parioetal layer  C. mesoblastic band              D. testes   E. mesoblast  F. zygote
          1. FECABD    2. FECADB        3. FEACBD                4. FCEBAD
129.  Oviducts of pheretima pass through
          1. 7th septum    2.  8th septum     3. 9th  septum  4. 10th  septum
130.  Observe the following  longitudinal bloodvessels of pheritima
        A. Dorsal   B. supra oesophageal   C . ventral    D. lateral oesophageal    E. subneural
          Arrange them in the ascending order of their size
     1. BEDCA                  2.  BDECA                3. BEDAC              4. DEB