Friday, May 27, 2011



                            SRI CHAITANYA JUNIOR COLLEGE – DSNR
                       MEDICON – LOCOMOTION REPRODUCTION IN PROTOZOA                  SRIKANTH

1.    Choose the correct statement among these
       1. cilium moves the water parallel to the surface of its attachment (paddle stroke movement)
       2. The movement of water is perpendicular the longitudinal axis of cilium.
       3. The direction of effective stroke in cilia is oblique to the long axis of the body (movement
         is spiral course.    4. all the above
2.    Fastest locomotion among these
      1. amoeboid locomotion   2. flagellaray locomotion  3. ciliary locomotion  4. gliding locomotion
3.    Pressure drag is due to
       1. the difference of pressure between two ends  2. the difference pressure at only one end .
       3. due to water molecules attached to the surface. 4. all  the above.
4.   Viscous drag is due to
5.   Viscous drag is of much important for protozoans because
       1. These organisms are streamlined     to minimize the pressure drag
       2. Stream lined body increases the surface to which water molecules attach.
       3. small sized body decreases the surface to which molecules  attach.
       4. all the above.
6.   Match the following
Given by
1. Undulipodia 
a. L.H. Hyman
2. Sol gel theory advocated by
b. L.H.Hyman
3. Solgel theory confirmed and explained by
c. Pantin and Mast
4. phenomenon of unfold and fold
d. Goldacre and Lorsch
5. Fountain zone theory
e. Allen
6. Paramoecium aurelia - Autogamy
f. W.F. Diller
7. Cytogamy in p. Caudatum
g. R. Witcherman
8. Endomixis in paramecium aurelia
h. Wood ruff and Erdmann.

 7.  The blunt finger like pseudopodia present in ______________
8.   Pseudopodia with both ectoplasm and endoplasm ____________________
9.  Pseudopodia with broad cylindrical rounded tips _____________________
10. Slender filamentous pseudopodia _______________--
11. Filamentous branched pseudopodia ________________
12. Pseudopodia with pointed tips tapering from base to tip _____________
13.  Branched pseudopodia which do not form network. ______________
14. Pseudopodia with only ectoplasm ____________________
15. Pseudopodia which helpful ingestion of food primarily ______________
16. Fine needle like pseudopodia ______________-
17. Central axial rod of actinopodia type surrounded by ___________---
18. Examples for Lobopodia __________________-____________________________
19. Examples for Reticulopodia or Rhizopodea or Myxopodia __________  __________
20. Examples for Axopodia or actinopodia _______________________
21. Examples for Filopodia __________________________________.
22. The mastigophore which flagella arise from posterior end of the body _______________
23. The mastigophore which the flagella are at right angles __________________--
24. The mastigophore which the two flagella are parallel  and  unequal__________________
25. The radial spokes of flagella connected to the microtubule
      1. A    2. B   3. C.   4. D
26. Sliding force in flagella created by
      1. singlets    2. doublets   3. arms   4. protoplasmic sheath
27. Plasmamembrane  extension in the flagella as ______________________
28. Solid and tubular  lateral appendages of flagella are
       1. flimmers and mastigonemes  2. mastigonemes  and flimmers 3. mastigonemes 4. flimmers
29. The region around the basal body that controle the assembly of microtubules is ___________
30. Basal body connected to the plasmamembrane or nucleus  by one or more
       1. rootlets    2. microtubules   3. both   4. none
31. Function of root structures in flagellum or cilium
       1. can pull the flagellum  2. can alter the orientation   3. both   4. none
32. Flagella with lateral naked axial filament __________-
33. Flagella two or more rows  of lateral appendages _______________-
34. Flagella without  lateral appendages __________________--
35. Flagella  without terminal naked filament _____________________
36. Cilia in suctorians 1. at young stages 2. at adult stages  3. both stages  4. none.
37. Locomotory organelle which helpful for locomotion and food collection
        1. pseudopodia  and flagella   2. pseudopodia and cilia   3. flagella and cilia  4. all the above.
38. Undulating membrane and membranelle , cirri are formed by
        1. flagella and cilia    2 .  cilia only   3. pseudopodia only   4. cilia  and pseudopodia.
39. The cord of fibres run towards the right side of each row of kinetosomes called
      1. kinetodesmos   2. kinetodesmal fibrils   3. Kinetodesmata  4. all
40. The first stage in the formation of pseudopodia  ___________
41. Pseudopodium of lecithium differs from the Entamoeba by
      1. presence of endoplasm  2. presence of ectoplasm 3. absence of ecto plasm 4. absence of endoplasm
42. The protozoan with both flagellum and pseudopodium is  _______________-
43. Arrange the following protozoans according to the number of flagella in descending order
      A . Trichonympha   b. trichomonas   c. Giardia    d. Euglena
     1. cabd    2. acbd    3. cbda    4. bcad
44. Kinetosome consist of   1. two central single tubules   2. triplets of flagellum to inner sheath
       3. doublets of flagellum to outer sheath  4. triplets of flagellum to outer sheath
45. Find the incorrect combination
 Type of flagellum
Nature  of flagellum
1. Anematic type
Without terminat naked filament
2. pantonematic type
With terminal naked filament
3. Acronematic type
With mastigonemes
4. Pantacronematic type
With mastigonemes
      1. 1 & 2     2. 2 & 3     3. 3 & 4    4. 2,3,& 4
46. Kinetosomes are derived from
     1. mitochondiria   2. centrioles    3. Golgi complex   4. endosome
47. Which among the following metazoan cells perform amoeboid locomotion
       1. plasma cells    2. neutrophils   3.. adipocytes    4. Erythrocytes
48. The First stage in the formation of pseudopodium is ____________________
49. During amoeboid locomotion folding of protein molecules takes place at
       1. uroid end by loosing water    2. uroid endy by absorbing water
       3. Advancing end by loosing water    4. advancing end by absorbing water
50. Undulation from the base to the tip in flagellum causes
      1. Pulling force    2. pushing force    3. rotation   4. spiral
51. Paraflagellar body in euglena is present  at __________________
52. The structures that do not divide during binary fission in Euglena _________
53. The structures that disappear during binary fission of Euglena __________
54. The new structures that develop in proter  are ___________
55. The new structures that develop in Opisthe are ___________
56. IN a favourable  conditions of paramecium undergoes binary fission 4 times in a day , how many
      Daughter individuals are formed
     1. 4     2. 8      3. 16     4. 24
57.  Match  the following
A. Acineta
1. Isogamy
B. Monocystis
2. Plasmotomy
C. Opalina
3. Anisogamy
D. Plasmodium
4. Budding
        A       B      C     D                              A     B     C     D
 1.    1       4        3      2                       2.    4       1      2    3
 3.     3      2        1      4                      4.     2       3      4    1
58.  The folding of  actin molecule in Amoeba leads to
   1. solation at hyaline cap   2. gelation at hyaline cap   3. solation at uroid  4. gelation at uroid
59. Synchronous rhythms of cilia in paramecium can be explained by
      1. wave like beating of transverse row of cilia one after another one
      2. simultaneous beatings of transverse row of cilia
      3. Wave like beatings of longitudinal row of cilia one after another  one
      4. Simultaneous beatings of longitudinal row of cilia
60. Myonemes present in some protozoans are derived from
      1. centrioles   2. ER   3. golgi complex    4. Microtubules
61. Assertion ; At the advancing end of pseudopodium the plasmagel becomes plasmasol.
      Reasoning : The protein molecules in the plasmagel are folded at the advancing end.
62. When the force caused by flagellum on the body of organism is similar to that caused by
        The propeller  of an aeroplane the movement of flagellum will be
          1. tip to base                                     2. from base to tip  
          3. rotation in clock wise condition  4. spiral in anticlockwise direction
63. During the paddle like movement, cilium moves water
    1. perpendicular to the  axis of cilium   2. parallel to the axis of cilium
    3. perpendicular to the surface of its attachment
    4. first parallel , then perpendicular to the surface of its attachement.
64. One of these not require meiosis
    1. syngamy    2. Isogamy    3. Anisogamy    4. plasmotomy
65. In pulling force flagella and animal
     1. moving towards each other    2. moving away from each other
     3. moves laterally    4. moves one side of each other
66. Flagella of Euglena raise form
     1. base of cytostome   2. base of reservoir  3. base of contractile vacuole  4. base  of chromatophore
67. Cytoorganelles which do not divide during binary fission of paramecium
      1 . oral groove , contractile vacuole , food vacuole
      2. oral groove , cytostome , cytophrarynx
      3. cytopharynx, cilia    4. all the above.
68. Assertion  : Daughter paramecia  produced by single parent called clones
      Reasoning : Transverse binary fission of paramecium called homothetogenic division.
69. Multiple fission of  plasmodium  which results trophozoites, gametes , sporozoites respectively
1. schizogony, gametogony, sporogony  2. schizogony    3. gametogony   4. sporogony.
70. The locomotion seen by protenacious strips supported by dorsal and ventral microtubules  is
    1.wriggling motion   2. metaboly    3. changes shape of the body   4. all the above.
71. The zig zag movements in the protozoans caused by contractions and relaxations of myonemes  is
     1. gliding locomotion                                         2. absent in sarcodines  
     3. present below the pellicle  and similar to myofibrils    4. all the above
72 . choose the wrong match among the following
       1. monotonic budding  - vorticella             2. exogenous budding – Ephelota 
       3. endogenous budding – Acineta              4. none 

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