Friday, May 27, 2011



____________________________________________________________________ SRIKANTH __   I  Mention the class  and common names of the GIVEN ANIMALS  from 1 to 20                                                                                                                       
1. Antedon , neometra
2. ptilocrinus,
Bathy crinus
3. Asterias , pentaceros, palmipes
4. Ophiothrix, Gorganocephalus
5. Salmacis , Echinocardium,  Echinodiscus, cypeaster,
6. Holothuria, cucumaria , synapta
7.Triarthrus, dalmanitis
8. Palaemon, Balanus , Sacculina , astacus, Cancer.
9. Scolopendra, scutigera
10. Aranus, Heterometrus,
11. Spirostreptus, julus
12. Lepisma, cimex, pediculus, periplaneta

13. Neomenia, chaetoderma
14. Chiton, Lepidopleurus
15. Neoplilina
16. Dentalium, pulsellum
17. Unio, mytilus, Pinctada, pectin , Teredo.
18. Pila, Aplysia,
Cyprea, Limax, paella.
19. Sepia,    Loligo, Architeuthis,  Nautilus, Octopus
20. PheritimMegascolex.,  Lumbricus, drawida
.21. Chelicera  modified as poisonous fangs  in              ______________
22. Extinct  arthropods with biramous appendages         _____________
23. Extant  arthropods  with biramous appendages         ______________
24. Arrange these organisms  on ascending order based on their  no. legs.
       A. Spider    B. Limulus    C. Musca  D. Scolopendra   E. Julus       _______________
25. Antennary glands  for  1. Respiration  2. excretion   3. circulation   4. hormones.
26.  Miryapods  exhibit these  1. molphigian tubules  2. trachea  3. terrestrial nature  4. all the above
27.  Abdomen without appendages in adult and larval stages posses appendages in class     ____________
28. Pickout the  odd one out  1. gnathochilarium  2. radula  3. Aristotle lanthern   4. Crystalline style.
29. Branchiae  and  Dermal branchiae   are the respiratory structures  of
      1. Arthropoda  & Echiniodermaa                     2. crustacea  & echinodermata 
      3. Mollusca   & Echinodermata                        4. Arthropoda   & Mollusca.
30. Choose the mismatch among these 
        1. Abdomen – pygidium                                2. thorax , abdomen -  trunk
         3. Head, thorax  -  cephalothorax                  4. Prosoma -   Head.
31.  Match the following  
1. Cuticle contain calcareous spicules , tube like stomach
A. Crustacea
2. 6 – 88 pairs of gills , shell with 8 plates.
B. Aplacophora
3. Internal segmentation, 2 pairs of auricles  and two ventricles.
C. Monoplacophora
4. Prsence of head, univalvular shell, torsion, chemoreceptor tentacles.
D. Scaphopoda
5. cone like foot, shell open at both sides, captacula, tusk shells
E. Gastropoda
6. Lamellibranchiae , bivalvular, crystalline style, suspension feeding
F. Cephalopoda
7. Beak like jaws,closed vascular system , braincase, Veliger
G. Pelcypoda
8. 2 pairs of antennae, paired gonophores
H. Polyplacophora

32. In gastropod shell is present, absent,  and internal respectively in
      1. pila, Limax, Aplysia     2. snail, sea hare, slug   3. slug , snail, sea hare    4. all the above
33. In cephalopods shell   external,  internal and shell is absent respectively in
       1. Nautilus , loligo and sepia,  octopus            2. Nautilus, cuttlebone and pen , devil fish
       3. Tetrabranchiate, Dibranchiate and  loligo, Devil fish   4. all the  above
34. Name and respiratory organs of  Brackish water animal of  Echinodermata ______________
35.  Mouth  at oral and anus aboral surface  in the classes Like ___________  _________________
36.  Ctenidia are help ful for
        1. Respiration  in mollusca                  2. Respiration  in mollusca
        3. Aquatic respiration in arthropoda    4. Terrestrial respiration in arthropoda
37.   Last protostomian  with  closed  vascular system
         1. Oligochaeta      2. Cephalopoda      3. Hirudinea    4. Pelcypoda.
38.   Arrange the following in sequence
         A. Nephrostome of  Kidney    B. Nephridiopore of kidney   C. Pericardial cavity  
         D. Excretory materials in tissues   E. Heart
39.   Genital opening of arthropods  which contain large no. of  legs.
         1. Anterior end of the trunk   - opishtogoneate   2. posterior end of the trunk – Progoneatae
         3. Anterior end of  the trunk – Progoneatae         4. posterior end of the trunk – Opisthogoneatae
40. Match the following
1. arms bifurcated, Pinnules, doliolaria, pentacrinoid , calyx, tegment
A. Crustacea
2. open ambulacral grooves, tube feet with suckers, pedicillariae two jawed
B. Chilopoda
3. Test or coronoa , aristotle’s lanthern, three jawed pedicillaria
C. Holothuroidea
4. cloacal respiratory trees, Coriaceous skin, refractile tentacles
D. Crinoidea
5. branched arms in some , , ambulacral grooves closed
E. Ophiuroidea
6. Antennules, antennae, antennal glands
F. Echinoidea
 7. carnivores, poisonous claws at tip , tracheae
G. Asteroidea.

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