Friday, May 27, 2011



ZOOLOGY – THE BASICS      MEDICON              srikanth
1. The characters which whittaker considered for  5 kingdom classification
     1. cell structure   2. complexity of body    3. Nutrition     4. All the above
2. Match the following
1.  Georges Cuvier
A. Homeostasis
 2. Louis Agassis, Huxley, Richard owen
B.  Natural history
 3. Georges – Louis de Buffon
C. Homology
 4. Claude Bernaud
D.  Comparitive anatomy
                1.  1 – A     2 – B     3 – C     4 – D                           2.   1 – D    2 – C    3 – A    4 – B 
                3.  1 – D     2 – C     3 – B     4 – A                           4.   1 – D    2 – A    3 – B    4 – C
3. Match  the following
Name of  the scientist
Coined the term
1. Herbert spencor
A. Ecology
2. Haeckel
B. Genetics
3. Bateson
C. Biology
4. Lamarck
D. Evolution
                 1.  1 – A  2 – B  3 – C  4 – D                           2. 1 – D  2 – C  3 – A  4 – B 
                3. 1 – D  2 – C  3 – B  4 – A                            4. 1 – D  2 – A   3 – B  4 – C
4    One of these suffix can be added for  Obligate category
           1. Oidea     2. idae     3. inae    4.  all the abov                                                                                    5.  One of these is not obligate category
       1. Phylum   2 Species     3. Genus   4. Subspecies
6.  Choose the correct statement among these
      1. Key part of taxonomy is systematics.
      2. Systematics deals with delimitation , ordering and ranking of taxa.
      3. Knowledge of geology required for both palaentology and biogeography.
      4. Biotechnology deals with Acquisition, storage , management  and processing of data  .
7.  The scientist who termed the species as mendilian population.
      1. Linneus    2. Buffon    3. Dobzhansky   4. Ernst Mayr
8.  The study of different body functions and processes called
       1. Histology   2. physiology   3. Anatomy   4. Embryology.
9.   Two or more species which are morphologically similar but reproductively isolated  are called
        1. concept of species   2. sibling of species  3. ecological unit   4. evolutionary unit.
10.  Bioenergetics is the branch of
         1. Biophysics     2.  Molecular biology  . 3. Biotechnology   4. Biochemistry.
11.  Suffix  “ oidea “ for 
          1. Sub family    2. super family     3. family   4. infra family
12.   How many number of questions faced to identify the fish , frog , snake, bird ,  bat, and cat in the
        Framed questionnaire respectively.
           1. 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6     2.  3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4.    3. 4,2,4, 2,2,2.   4. 2,2,2,4,2,4.
13.  Species leo  shifted from 
         1. Panthera to leo      2. Felis  to leo    3. Felis  to panthera    4. Panthera to  felis
14.  In ICZ  and  ICZN   ‘ C ‘  refers  respectively
         1. Code  and congress    2. Congress and code    3. Carolous     4. Class and class
15.  One of these is not  compulsory  to take from latin or latinised according to binominal nomenclature
          1. Species    2. Genus    3. Subspecies      4. common name
16.  .  Match the following  and choose the correct match
Related  to
Deals with
1. Evolution
Customs & beliefs of human
2. Biotechnolgy
Genetic Engineering
Scientific alteration of  genes
3. Biochemistry
Transformation and use of energy
4. Biophysics
Computation and analysis of data
        1. All except  1     2.  All except 2     3.  All except 4  4. All except  3
17.   Classification of organisms as Sthavara   and Jangama   by
          1. Chandyoga Upanishad   2. Susrutha samhitha  3. Historia animaliam  4.  Aristotle
18.   One of these is not written by Linneus
          1. Systema naturae    2. Species plantarum   3. Historia generalis plantarum  4. Historia animalium.
19.    The grouping of organisms like with like  by
           1. Artificial classification    2. Phenotypic  3.  Numerical    4. Phylogenetic.
20.    The Father of British natural history  coined the term
            1. Ecology     2. Genetics    3. Species     4. Phylum
21.    The phylogeny by means of trees or branching diagrams  is  introduced by
            1. Scientist who coined the term  Ecology
            2. Scientist who coined  the term species
            3. Father  of British Natural history
            4. Scientis who believed on Natural system.
22.   Hyenas  belongs to the class
           1. Carnivora     2. Chordata    3 . Animalia    4. Mammalia
23.   Cat belongs to order
           1. Felis    2. Felidae    3. Chiroptera     4. Carnivora
24.    Whales  belongs to order
            1. Mammalia    2. Chordata    3. primates    4. Cetacea.
25.   Operational taxonomic units meant for
         1.  The system which does not consider phylogeny   2. Numerical  classification
         3. Traits of one species cannot be compared with other  related species   4. all the above .
26.  One of these is not related to Linnaeus
         1. Father of taxonomy  2. Founder of modern systematics  3. Sweedish naturalist 4. British naturalist
27.   Suffix of  suborder  in human being is the suffix of
         1. sub family   2. super family   3. family  4.  Genus
28.   Assertion : Species is evolutionary unit
        Reasoning:  The group individuals having similar structural  and functional characteristics.
        1. A and  R are true and  R is the correct explanation of A 
        2. A  and R are true and  R is not correct explanation of A
        3. A is true  R is false   4. A is false  and R is true.
29.  Choose the correct match among these   
 Statements about species
I.  Species are dynamic
Charles Darwin
Origin of species
II. Species as unit of classification
Systema naturae
III.Species as a group of morphologically similar organism
John ray
Historia  animalium
IV. Species as  a biological concept of Evolution
Natural history
      1. I,II only     2. I, II, IV only    3. II, III, IV  only   4. All the above
30.  Scientist who believed the species as static
       1. Linnaeus    2. Lindsey    3. Darwin   4. all the above.
31.  Arrange them in sequence from distant relatives to close
           i . species belongs to same genus   ii.  Genus belongs to same family 
           iii. Families belongs to same order   iv.  Orders belongs to same class
             1.  i, ii, iii, iv    2. iv, ii, iii, i    3. iv, iii, ii, i   4. iii, iv, ii, i
32.  2, 3, 4, 5 kingdom classifications  formed by the taxonomists respectively
         1. Linnaeus , Haeckel (protista)  , Herbert Copeland (Monera)  , R.H. whittaker ( fungi )
          2. Haeckel ,  Linneus , Copeland   ., whittaker
         3. Copeland , Linnaeus,  whittaker, Haeckel
         4.  Haeckel, Linneus, whittaker, copeland.
33.  According to 5 kingdom classification unicellular algae placed under kingdom:
      1. monera    2. protista    3. fungi    4.  plantae
34.  Division of labour at cellular level in Subkingdom
        1. Porifera   2. parazoa   3. Eumetazoa   4. Cnidaria
35.  The first bilatarian , triploblastic animals fate of blastopore is
         1. mouth  and opposite end is  anus    2. Anus   and opposite and is mouth
          3. Mouth  without anus                     4. Anus without mouth.
36.  The last phyla with spiral determinate cleveage and first phyla with radial and indeterminate cleveage
         1. Mollusca  and echinodermata     2. Arthropoda  and mollusca   3. Porifera and cnidaraia  4. none
37.  Organisms with radial symmetry and diploblastic body joined in subkingdom, grade, phylum
         1. cnidaria, radiate , Eumetazoa                       2. Eumetazoa, radiata, cnidaria
         3. Cnidaria, radiate, Bilataria                           4. Bilataria , triploblastica, Eumetazoa.
38.  Coelom of  phylas from Annelida to Chordata
        1. Schizocoelom    2. Enterocoelom    3. Acoelom      4. Eucoelom.
39.   Match the following
Related to
1. Anthropology
A. Evolution
2. Biotechnology
B. Genetic engineering
3. Bio informatics
C. Molecular Biology
4. Geology
D. Palaentology
          1. 1 – A      2 – B      3 – C     4 – D                           2.   1 – D    2 – C    3 – A    4 – B 
          3. 1 – D      2 – C      3 – B     4 – A                            4. 1 – D     2 – A    3 – B    4 – C
40.     Choose the mismatch among these
           1. Taxis – arrangement   2. Gen – to grow into   3. Ethos – character  4. Kytos – nucleus.

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