Tuesday, August 4, 2009

chordata fill in the blanks

1. Largest chordate is ________________

2. Buccal diverticulum of hemichordates resembles ___________

3. The inner and outer sheath of notochord are made up of _____________ _____________

4. Small core of gel like material with in each inter vertebral disc is _________

5. The chordate which exhibit dorsal tubular nerve cord in degenerative form_____________

6. Primary function of branchial clefts in protochordates is __________

7. Cleaveage and coelom in higher chordates is ________ ___________

8. Function of adoral band and circumoral band of cilia in Auricularia respectively__________

9. Evolutionary modifications adoral band and circumoral band of cilia of auricularia larva

Respectively ________________ ______________

10. Common ancestors for echinoderms , Pterobranchs , hemichordates according to Hyman______

11. According to Urochordate ancestry adult sessile stage of tunicates has lost due to ____________

12. Write the conditions of these forms in Urochordate

a. coelom _________ b. Heart ______________ c. Excretion by _______________

d. Pharynx opens out through _______________ e. Structures opens into atrium______________

13. Sessile solitary Ascidiaceans ________________

14. Sessile Colonial Ascidiacean ______________

15. True test is absent and Skin secretes a loose gelatinous house around the body in _____________

16. Solitary forms which shows alternation of generations are ________________

17. Colonial, free swimming , pelagic form which shows Biolumniscence _______________

18. Write the conditions of these forms in Cephalochordates

a. Median fins ________ b. Paired fins _________ c. Respiratory organs _________

d. Enterocoelom ___________ e. Heart, Blood corpuscles, respiratory pigment _____________

f. Excretory organs __________ ________ g. Kidneys _________

19. Endostyle is present on the ventral side of the Pharynx in __________ ________ _________-

20. No. Viscreral arches and Aortic arches in Vertebrates respectively ___________ ________

21. Give the importance of these periods

a. Cambrian period _________________ b. Ordovician period to Devonian period ___________.

c. Silurian period ____________ ,_________

d. Devonian period __________ ,__________,________

e. Mesozoic era _________________ f. Permian period _____________

g. Cretaceous period _______________ g. Carboniferous period_________________

22. Write the conditions of these forms in Ostracoderms

a. Paired fins __________ b. Oral flaps ___________ c. Skull _____________-

d. Vertebral column and girdles ___________ e. Gill slits and Cranial nerves ____________

23. Write the conditions of these forms in Cyclostomes

a. Paired fins __________ b. Median fins _______________ c. Skin ___________

d. Notochord ___________ e. Vertebrae __________________________

f. Heart _______________ g. Renal portal system ______________ h. Gonads _____________

24. Cranial nerves, semicircular canals , Development of myxine respectively is _______ ____ ____

25. C ranial nerves, semicircular canals , Development of Lamprey respectively is ____ ________ ___

26. a. Anamniate Ichthyopsidans are _______________ b. Anamniate Ichthyopsidan with

tetrapod condition is __________ c. This is Amniote but not Sauropsidan _________

27. Earliest gnathostome , Smallest fish , Largest fish respectively are ________ __________ ________

28. Mention the conditions of these skeletal features in fishes

a. Vertebrae ________________________ b. Vertebral column _______________________

c. Ribs _________ d. Sternum ___________ e. Pectoral and Pelvic girdle __________

29. Septum transversum of Fishes separtes_____________--_________________

30. Type of teeth in Pisces ________________ _________________ ______________

31. Function and location of Neuromast organs _______________ ______________

32. Diffrence between the first pair of gill slits placoderms with other higher fishes _________

33. Write the conditions of these forms in Chondrichthyes

a. Caudal fin ___________ b. Mouth and nostrils ___________ c. Scroll valve _________-

d. Gills and Gill slits __________ _____________ e. Airbladder _____________

f. Claspers._____________ g. Development _____________-

34. No. of Ventral gill slits and condition of spiracles in pleurotrematic fishes _____________ ___

35. No. of ventral gill slits and condition of spiracles in hypotrematic fishes _____ __________

36. Write the Conditions of these forms in Subclass: Bradyodonti

a. skin _____________ b. Cloaca _____________ c. Spiracles __________

d. Gills _________ e. Gill slits ______________

37. Condition of Scales and fins in Acantodii ________ ________ ___________ _____________

38. Write the conditions of these forms in Chondrostei and Holostei and Teleostei respectively

a. Skeleton _________ _________ _____________

b. Habitat _______________ _______________ ______________

c. Scales ________________ ________________ _____________

d. Mouth __________ ___________ ___________

e. caudal fin _____________ _____________ ________________

g. Spriacles _______________ _____________ _______________

h. Airbladder _____________ ___________ _______________

i. Spiral valve ________________ _______________ __________

39. Largest living amphibian and Largest frog are ______________ _____________

40. Write the condition of these skeletal structures in Amphibians :

a. Skull ______________ b. Vertebrae _____________, ______________ ,______________

c. Zygapophyses ____________________ d. Ribs ______________________

e. Sternum _____________________

41. Type of teeth in Amphibians _________________ _____________ _____________ _________

42. Amphibian without tongue ___________

43. Columella auris is formed by the modification of ________________

44. Function of Harderian glands and Lacrimal glands respectively ______________, _______________

45. Mechanism present in amphibians to equalize the pressure on both sides of tympanum _______-

46. Extinct amphibians with folded teeth ________________----

47. Salamander like extinct amphibians _________

48. Mention the conditions of these forms in Apoda, Urodela , Anura of Sub class : Lissamphibia

a. Common name ___________ _______________ _________________

b. Habitat _________________ __________________ ______________

c. Body ____________________ _________________ _________________

d. Limbs,and Limb girdles_________________ _______________ _______________

e. Tail __________________ __________________ ___________________

f. Cloacal aperture _____________________ ____________ __________________

g. Skin ____________________ ________________ __________________

h. Vertebrae ________________ _______________ ____________________-

i. Ribs, Sternum _________________ ______________ _____________________

J. Teeth _________________ _____________ _______________

k. Gills and gill slits ________________ ______________ _________________

l. Lungs ________________ ________________ _______________

m. vocal cards _____________ _____________ _______________

n. Middle ear ______________ ________________ __________________

o. eyes _____________ ______________ ____________________

p. Copulatory organ ____________ _____________ ____________________

q. Fertilization and Larval stage _____________ __________________ __________________.

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